
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Diary of a MOMpreneur {week 14}


OK when I said two weeks ago that I was experiencing the calm before the storm, I had no idea that the storm would be a hurricane! Oh my goodness Party Starters is going crazy!! I love it, but it is definitely a challenge, especially with the first week back to school for the kids. I feel like I have apologized to Al so much that the word "Sorry" doesn't have a meaning anymore. I am just struggling with wearing so many hats! I grab stuff at the store, but forget what it was that I actually went for. A bunch of little things that I tell my family that I will do and completely space it. I feel incredibly guilty that my family is what I move aside in order to get other things done. That is where I am struggling most. I have an extremely hard time letting people down, especially the ones I love.
Of course when life is crazy like this I start to question myself, am I taking Party Starters in the right direction? Should I explore another avenue of the party world? I really don't know at this point, I really want to find a balance. Unfortunately the work I do is all labor, so there is no way to short cut it, unless I hire someone to help me, which I have thought about. I know all of these thoughts and feeling are just a result of the hurricane that is running its course and in a week or so I will be fine again. Maybe I just need to relax and ride the wave for a bit, and do a lot of thinking along the way.

Thanks for listening..err..reading. Thought I would share this video as the song seems so fitting right now.



  1. I would say 'relax' but I get the feeling it's easier said than done :)

  2. I'm at the same place you are. It really takes its toll and makes you question your place and your decisions. I am still struggling with balancing everything out. I completely understand where you come from and maybe this will help. You are doing something you love. It not only gives you a purpose (obviously you have many of those being a wife, mother, etc), but it gives you a little self worth. You are making your name in this world doing something other than laundry and carpools. You are exploring your creative outlet and it will make you a better mommy and wife being able to unleash those gifts and having that outlet. It will get better, probably not until after the holidays, but it will get better.

    I am also exploring the possibility of hiring someone, but not sure how much I can let go and what I would even pay!? If you figure this out, let me know!


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