
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"My NY Experience" part 3 "Am I a Stalker?"

On Saturday I posted about getting to and what happened when I got to New York.  Monday I posted about my Martha experience.

Today the finale...."Am I A Stalker?"

From L to R Me, Kate, Danielle & Brandi
After meeting the inspiring Martha Stewart team I was finally able to meet my fellow bloggers whom I adore so much. The Party Blogosphere is such a fun place, yes most of us are competitors, but we are also online friends. We like to see each other succeed and life just can't get any better then that! I was able to chat with Danielle from A Few Of My Favorite Things, Kristy from Posh Pixels, Tanya from Save The Date For Cupcakes, Melissa and Jon from from Celebrations, Alison from Sassy Mom In The City gosh and the list goes on, I apologize if I missed your name here on the list. Now one blogger stood out for me, from the moment I received her very first email months ago telling me she admired my work I knew we would be friends. Kate Landers is an absolute doll! I walked up to introduce myself without need to because she grabbed me and gave me a hug. It is also so refreshing when the way you picture someone in your head,  is exactly how they are in real life. I adore you Kate! 

Seriously just when the night couldn't get any better, there she was...Amy Atlas, the "Queen of Dessert Tables"! This is the woman who has inspired me to look at tablescapes in a whole new way. While Amy talked with another guest I waited patiently trying to figure out what it was that I was going to say...OH mind went blank...who was I again??? Once again I was star struck, which means my inner dork came to the surface...GREAT! As I introduced myself Amy told me how she loved my cake boxes and that she had hoped by featuring them on her blog back in December I might have gotten some traffic to my site. (Of course I did) We chatted for a little while and WOW what a sweet, charming person Amy is. I of course adore her even more!! Now for some reason even after meeting Amy my inner dork decided to hang around. I ran off to tell my blogging friends that Amy was here and of course they were excited as well. When I passed by Amy once again in the hall I started to take a candid photo of her. After the first picture snapped I dropped my camera to my side and thought...OMG  am a stalker or what! HELLO could I be anymore annoying? I seriously felt like the paparazzi and decided to tell me inner dork to shove it! Sorry Amy! :)

As I left the party I as given two swag bags. One filled with MS magazines, a set of craft punches, stationary, a sample can of the new MS paint & MS dish soap. The second bag was from Kraft, so it was a little odd. A bag of Mac-N-Cheese, a bottle of Miracle Whip and a box of fudge Oreos.
I headed up to my room where my feet had had enough. I soaked them in the tub for a few while I called Al and rambled for probably what he thought was for-ev-er! I talked to each of my kids, my boys said they were proud of me and Aly was of course thrilled at the news of her pipe cleaner ring that was on its way to her. "Oh Mommy, that was my favorite thing Martha makes".
I crashed before 11:30pm and had to wake up too early in order to get back to the airport again. while I would have loved to have stayed longers and visit all of the sites, those are things I want to share with my family. Plus I was "sent" by friends and family to see Martha and that is what I did.
An amazing, sleepless, painful (my blistered feet still aren't talking to me), self motivating experience. One that I will never forget!!

After sitting on a plane and in an airport and on a plane again (total of 8 hours) I was finally home with my family. Al took us out to dinner for Mongolian BBQ and this is what my fortune cookie's note said...

I choose BOTH and I think I will frame this photo as a reminder of "My 1st NY Experience"!

Thanks so much for reading along. If for some reason you haven't had enough of me, please hop on over to Oh My Gluestick's blog where I have started my Tuesday guest blogging series today. 

Have a great day!


  1. Pam that was such a great write up! You are too funny! I love your boxes too! I can't wait to order one for a party! It will be such a huge hit!

  2. That was such a great post! All of them! I truly enjoyed it, thank you so much for sharing!

  3. LOL! I could not help but giggle over the Kraft swag. Too much! I am thrilled for you and so happy you enjoyed yourself and got to meet amazing Amy Atlas amongst others! Well deserved, I must say. I am beaming for you.

  4. Love your fortune! Awesome post! It was great finally meeting you in person;o)

  5. Fabulous recap - you have me cracking up over the Kraft bag description. The Miracle Whip so didn't fit in with my Martha goodies! It was so great to meet you and I'm so glad that you were able to make the trip. And yay - that picture of all of us came out so well!

  6. I love all the details you are telling us. I am so happy that you were able to come to NY.

  7. That was hilarious and great!! I love it and my little boxes you sent me are ADORABLE!!

  8. It´s a great and funny post! :)
    You all are so talented!

    Lorena Cagnotti


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