
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Party Starters' Halloween Inspiration Week day 2

When it comes to Halloween inspiration the first place I look to is of course Martha Stewart. After all she is the Queen of Halloween!

Last year the kids and I made these cute and cuddly Sock Skeletons. It was a great way to teach my then 10 and 12 year old boys how to use a needle and thread while creating something spooky that even they enjoyed. Take a peek at the how to HERE.

Another fun Halloween idea are these Ghost Necklaces, which I know my daughter will want to make! Directions can be found HERE

 How about creating a stamp out of a potato or even a pumpkin. Again a great idea for kids to get creative and most likely messy! You can find the directions HERE

For those of you who know me, I simply can't leave out the sweet treats. Here are some cute Whoopie Pies, gonna have to try these out myself...look too good not to. Directions HERE

One more treat, Orange Jack-O-Lanterns filled with sorbet. I bet these are as refreshing as they are adorable. Another must!! Directions HERE


OK promise this is the last one...Simply can't resist cheesecake and look at how spook-a-licious this one looks. Fork PLEASE!!! Directions HERE

  A big thank you to my friend Chantelle for bringing some of these to my attention. If you have any inspiring Halloween ideas whether its crafts or treats, feel free to send me the link!

Stay tuned more Halloween ideas tomorrow!



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