
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Owl Party

It is hard to believe another year is about over. Where does the time go? My kids are growing up so fast! My son Tyler said to me yesterday that he can't believe he is 14 years old already. My response, "I can't believe I am 38 already".  Now some of you might be thinking didn't Pam just have a party for her son, well yes 6 months ago. Since Tyler's birthday is 3 days after Christmas we celebrate a 1/2 birthday in the Summer with my husbands side of the family and his friends. On his real birthday we celebrate with just my side of the family, keeping it small. Although the party is much smaller I don't want to down grade the importance of his special day. Like I said in an earlier post Tyler has enjoyed reading the Guardians of Ga'hoole series, which is about Owls, hence the Owl themed party. So without further ado..

There were only 9 of us, 5 of which actually eat cake and other sweets, so there was no need for plates upon plates of goodies. The party was held after dinner, so no need for appetizers or beverages on the table. Like I said this was a small party and the only thing we needed was the birthday cake, although some blue cake pops managed to make their way onto the table.

This is my sad sorry attempt at creating an owl cake, although Tyler seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.
It had 5 layers of homemade chocolate cake & buttercream frosting. SO delicious, not so attractive and could have fed about 20 more people. We will be eating cake for a while!

Every birthday cake needs candles, so this bird got a flaming mohawk!

After creating this display it reminded me of making dioramas in Elementary school. I always loved creating scenes within shoe boxes to tell a story. Its fun to do the same thing only on a much larger scale as an adult! YEAH for letting my inner child out!!

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Adorable! I love owls & btw your cake looks great!

  2. You are so funny, that cake is awesome! I can't frost anything bigger than a cupcake so you are such a rock star in my eyes!

  3. girl - you rocked that cake out! No need to apologize for it, it looks fantastic and I am DYING over the candle mohawk! Table setting is fantastic - I love that you didn't over do just for a photo op - simple, appropriate, fantastic!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  4. SO cute. I love the starry night backdrop. The owl is ridiculously adorable!

  5. This is SO adorable! You did a terrific job :) Yay for inspiration follow-through!

  6. I am in awe of the owl cake!! It's fabulous & the candle mohawk just makes it RAD!

    Great great job!

  7. Pam, I am really proud of you. The cake is beautiful, I think you did a great job!

  8. That is such a cute owl cake! I especially like the candles down the back of the head.

  9. The owl theme has really been in lately, so thanks for sharing such adorable party ideas for this theme!

  10. Pam, I think your attempt is fantastic. My housemate LOVES owls and you have really been a great starting point for creating my own owl cake for her 21st/our housewarming party. I'm going to real feathers on the sides for wings :)

    Thank you again and well done. You sound like an awesome mum!


  11. Pam, I think your attempt is fantastic. My housemate LOVES owls and you have really been a great starting point for creating my own owl cake for her 21st/our housewarming party. I'm going to real feathers on the sides for wings :)

    Thank you again and well done. You sound like an awesome mum!


  12. How did you get the shape for this fabulous owl?


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