
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dough-A-Deer {Tasty Treats Thursday}

Have you heard, 2011 is the year of the doughnut! Since this is our first "Tasty Treats Thursday" of 2011 I thought it most appropriate to introduce to you all Nicole Anderson from Dough a Deer. I am absolutely thrilled to find out more about Dough a Deer as I am seeing Nicole's little doughnuts pop up everywhere! I had the opportunity to ask Nicole a few questions and here is what she had to say:

What inspired you to start selling donuts? 
Well it's sort of a funny story...One night I wanted one and I thought
krispy kreme was open late still. I was disappointed, I won't lie. lol.
So i went online and figured out how to make my own and Dough a Deer was
born! They don't taste like krispy kreme but they are pretty good!
Is it donuts or doughnuts?
Doughnut is the "proper way" and by proper I mean the British
husband is English so I tend to spell everything the British way like
favourite, colour...etc. Donut is not wrong by any means, it's just the
American spelling ;)

What is your best seller?
Definitely my original's my favourite too! Cinnamony
goodness with white chocolate topping is what I make the most of :)

 What makes your product stand out from all the other goodies out there?
Well for one, no one else does what I do yet! Plus, my doughbabies are
baked, not fried which brings out the flavors in the doughnut unlike
when they are fried. They are tiny which makes them fun and an easy add
to dessert tables and as favors for events and weddings!
At what age did you start baking?
Oh, I have been baking all my life! My mom is a big baker too and I
love it! I used to do cupcakes but I started seeing them EVERYWHERE so I
decided to move on since I like a challenge :)

Who inspires you?
I find inspiration in everyone important in my life. My parents are so
strong and business owners themselves and I've seen them struggle
together and triumph together and I hope one day to be EXACTLY like
them! My husband is SO inspirational because he excels at whatever he
sets his mind on! He also moved here on his own from England when he was
only 17 and completely changed his life! Lastly, my friends who support
me and love me and love what I do...I couldn't do anything without

If you could bake for one celebrity who would it be?
OOOOOO good question! I would have to say Robert Downey Jr....not
because he likes to bake or anything, just because he's hot. HAHAHA!!!

I am happy to announce that Dough a Deer has recently hit the 500th fan mark on Facebook!! So to celebrate Dough a Deer has graciously offered up a prize here on Party Starters!!!
Here is what one lucky person will receive

The Donut Book is filled with recipes for fried doughnuts and tells the history of doughnuts! Such a delicious prize for anyone who loves these TASTY TREATS! 

Here is how you can enter
1. Leave a comment here telling us which celebrity you would bake for if given the opportunity.
2. Head on over to Dough a Deer's blog and leave a comment telling her which doughnut flavor you prefer.
3. Become a fan of Dough a Deer and Party Starters if you aren't already
4. Come back here and let me know all the ways you have entered, so I know how many times to put your name in the drawing! You have until January 14, 2011 at 11:59PM MST or G-7 to enter. I will announce the winner on Monday, January 17, 2011 as part of our Motivate Me Monday blog post!

OH WAIT that is not all folks... EVERYONE will receive 11% off all orders purchased through Dough a Deer's Etsy Shop until January 20th. Please use coupon code = DOUGH11

Thanks for stopping in today!!

Check out Dough a Deer
Store Website Link-
Blog Website Link-


  1. Johnny Depp!!! Cause i think he's the hottest pirate ever :)

  2. Heck yeah! What a great giveaway! I've been wanting to try her doughnuts for a while!

    Down to business, now...If I could bake for any celebrity it would probably be Alton Brown. Then I would be panicked the entire time that what I baked wasn't good enough!

  3. Definitely checked out her blog and commented on my favorite flavor. Thanks again for hosting this!

  4. I would bake for Jeff Leathem!


  5. I would bake for the cast of Hawaii 5-0 (such eye candy)!!

  6. I'm a fan of Dough a Deer & Party Starters on FACEBOOK

  7. I would bake for Sandra Bullock,
    I love all of her movies. She lives somewhere here in Austin and owns a few resturants locally.

  8. Friend of dough a deer and now party starters too!

  9. I would totally bake for Matthew McConaughey. I'm sure he'd have some serious munchies after playing the 'bongos' ;)

  10. Left my fave flavor comment on dough-a-deer :)

  11. I'm also a fan of dough-a-deer and Party Starters, so that's two more entries!

  12. I would definitely want to cook for Johnny Depp. He's so great to look at and if he talked to me in his pirate accent it would be even better!

  13. Now a fan of both blogs and left a comment for dough-a-deer! :)

  14. I would bake for Robert Patinson - swoon!

  15. Thanks for that great interview with Nicole. Always nice to "meet" the creative people behind successful products! Wishing her...and your inspiring blog...all the best.

  16. Hmmmm....I'd have to say either Rachel Ray or Ryan Reynolds. I'd like to bake for Rachel Ray because she is so appreciative of anything that is baked for her. I'd like to bake for Ryan Reynolds because I thought he was hot long before the media seemed to recognize this fact!

  17. YUM! Go year of the doughnut! I would have to say I would want to bake for lead singer of Staind, Aaron Lewis (I'm weird, but god I love him!)... and friends, because baking is love :o)

    Kim @ Party Frosting!

  18. I'm a dough a deer fan on facebook and I'd love to bake for Oprah!

  19. A celebrity to bake for???? Rachael Ray to show her how fun and easy baking can be.

  20. My comment on Dough a Deer was that I like ANY donut with sprinkles.

  21. I am a FB fan of Dough a Deer and now Party Starters


Thank you for visiting, your comment is much appreciated!