
Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh Yes...Change Is Good! {Motivate Me Monday}

It feels great to come back from vacation and be totally inspired and ready to take on the world! I am not sure if it was the vacation I needed, if its my new look OR if its the new products in my store. Actually I think its a combination of all three. I have been toying with the idea of changing my logo for sometime, something that is more well...ME. I wanted to start 2011 with a fresh and clean new look, more organized. The website is getting a makeover as well, but its taking a bit longer then I had hoped (fingers crossed it will be up soon). I will also have a brand new shiny button that you can grab so that you can replace my old one. Last but not least, my studio is getting a bit of a makeover as well, major organizing and de-cluttering! How can I hold a garage sale online...cause a lot of stuff has got to go! Anyhow...a FRESH, CLEAN new start for 2011... I AM READY!!

SO lets move on and get this Monday's post a rollin'
I thought it would be fun to share something called "Motivate Me Monday". I know some of us get the Sunday Night blues, not really looking forward to the new week ahead of us. So I thought it would be appropriate to post a photo that inspires me, motivates me...makes me want to take on the world. OK, maybe I won't go that far...still something that gets my creative mojo into gear for the week and hopefully yours too! These photos could be party related or simply something that catches my eye. Whether it is the colors the name it, it could show up here!

Vanilla Dream Tree by Jennifer Squires

This image is from a fellow Etsy shop owner, Jennifer Squires. This photo absolutely captures the winter wonderland we have going on right now in Colorado. I love the title of this photo "Vanilla Dream Tree", somehow it makes all of that snow outside seem a bit more magical! Thank you Jennifer for motivating me today!

Are you wondering whats up with the themed post "Motivate Me Monday"??  Well it keeps me a bit more organized and also gives you an idea of what to expect and hopefully look forward to.  "Tutorial Tuesday" and "Tasty Treats Thursday" will be back. Wednesday's will be "WhatEVER" and Friday's will now be "What's New", which could be just about anything from new products to new inspiring parties.

Be sure to check out what is new to the Party Starters' Shop. I will be adding more product this week and hopefully some brand new favor boxes will be showing up in the store next week. I am stalking Mr. Brown as we speak..."where are my new dies?"!!!

Have a fabulous "Vanilla Dream" kind of day!!

*If you have a great photo you think I should use for "Motive Me Monday" OR a Tasty Treat you would like to share for Thursdays, please feel free to contact me.


  1. Pam! The blog looks FA-BU-LOUS!!!! I'm so looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve this year!!! Welcome back! =)

  2. Love, love LOVE the new design! I can't wait to see your Motivate Me Monday posts...there isn't any other day of the week that needs motivation more than Monday!

  3. love the new look..
    Can't wait to see what all you've got cooked up :)

  4. Perfect way to start each week...with some lovely motivation! All the best on the makeovers in the works.


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