
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Polka dots & Pirouettes {Whatever Wednesday}

My girlfriend's daughter, Amelia just had her first birthday, so to celebrate I styled this little afternoon party for her. I used the Polka dots & Pirouettes party set that I created for My Grafico using Zenware Designs Ballet clipart also from My Grafico.

Macarons from Green Eyed Susan...Amelia loved them (so did I)

 Favor wands for the older girls, also made cute decorations. 
I used the large party circles in the collection to create these.

Glass bottles with special wrappers were available for lemonade.

 Oh yeah those macarons are really good! 

Every birthday party needs cake and these cupcakes adorned with festive cupcake toppers were just the right size for all of the little kids.

Still enjoying the macarons, every little crum!
Macarons by Green Eyed Susan
 Buffet tent cards described everything on the table. 

 Have to have a banner and I wanted to create a sweet and simple one for Amelia. 
The Polka dots & Pirouette collection contains blank banner pieces. 
All you have to do is add the letters, print, cut and assemble.

 The cupcakes were good too! 
Happy 1st Birthday Amelia!! 

Thanks to my friend Chantelle for letting me share these. Hope you enjoyed looking.


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