
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blogging Friend Features {Real Parties}

It is such an incredible honor when my sweet blog followers contact me and tell me how much they love my work and enjoy reading my posts. What I really love is when these sweet people share their own party creations with me.  So today I wanted to share with you two lovely parties that were sent to me by Elena Teterina.

This first party is absolutely adorable! Elena did an excellent job creating a Owl themed 1st birthday party for her daughter, Gemma

* Mini Cakes Raspberry and Mini Cakes Double Chocolate *
* Butter Cookies, decorated with sugar paste *
* Meringue cake with a Raspberry Heart *  
This second party Elena wanted to share was from her daughter, Rebecca's Halloween birthday party. Such great details and fun party decor!

* Party favors (the sign reads "trick or treat?" *

"Bloody" pop corns *
What a great photo!! Love Rebecca's expression, priceless!
Make sure you hop on over to Elena's blog "Teterina in Wonderland" to see the rest of these parties. Thank you so much Elena for sharing these with me! I am grateful and extremely inspired!

If you have a party you would like to share, please feel free to contact me through my website. 
Have a great day friends!!


  1. I'm not sure why, but I love anything owl-themed...and these pics are so cute!

  2. That photo of the Halloween cake "fireworks" is just precious! Such creative details in both parties.

  3. Love the owl party - so cute!! And I just found you through twitter - love your website and blog! I'm a new follower :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hello! Suze here, designer of the stationery and paper decor of both these parties. Thanks so much for the write up: Elena is a real superstar and her little ladies are the sweetest!

    Have a lovely day!

    Pssst... If you liked the owlet motive, today you can download for free from my blog the Baby Owl for iron-on transfer:


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