
Friday, February 4, 2011

Gracie's Vintage Carnival {What's New Friday}

As I mentioned on Wednesday's post, I had worked with Corinn Rocker of Corley Designs on another project in the past. Well here is that project, a vintage inspired birthday carnival.

Photo collage courtesy of Bushel and Peck

photo collage courtesy of Bushel and Peck

 Corinn re-created an old school carnival birthday party using a soft pink and yellow color pallet. Corinn chose traditional games like "toss the can", where cans had custom labels to celebrate the birthday girl. Every game had a special prize, which was also their party favors. Another "old school" game was the "ping pong fish bowl". Children had to throw a ping pong into a glass bowl with a real fish, but instead of sending guests home with real goldfish their prize was a custom bag of soap with a fish inside make to look like the real deal. Both parents and kids loved this! Mini Gable boxes were front and center on the dessert table and inside were miniature cookies to match the color palette of the party. Corinn had custom place mats made for tables and used rock candy and cotton candy as decorative centerpieces for the children's tables. 

photo collage courtesy of Bushel and Peck

photo courtesy of Corley Designs
 Marshmallow Pops

photo courtesy of Corley Designs

photo courtesy of Corley Designs

photo courtesy of Corley Designs

Such an adorable party,  I personally love the "old school" games and HELLO did you see those adorable drinking bottles... I want some!!

Thank you Corinn for sharing yet another one of your amazing parties with us!!

Have a fabulous weekend friends!



  1. That party is just absolutely adorable. Love everything about this party. Also like the lemon sticks stuck in lemons. And yes, I want those bottles too!! They seem to really make a party more fun!

  2. Adorable party! The colors are beautiful and I love those placemats!

  3. i SO want to be at that party! How adorable, EVERYTHING is just so stinkin' cute!

  4. A carnival theme seems just tailor-made for a party! The wonderful details here just prove it.

  5. Such a precious party. I am doing my daughter a circus theme party in April and was wondering if you knew how she made the goldfish soap??

  6. Pam, this is such a pretty party! I love the covered cans...really nice touch!

  7. This is adorable and the colors are beautiful!!!

  8. What a sweet party! Love the colors : )


  9. Just darling and I love the placemats!

  10. Everything looks so pretty and I especially love the fish favors! That brought back so many memories!

  11. Thanks for all the lovely comments. We had a blast planning the party and more fun watching the kids! Just to pass along....the fish in a bag soap were made for me by Carolina Soap Lady and were a HUGE hit! Enjoy!

  12. Thank you Corinn!! I actually googled "how to make fish soap in a bag" and it gave me a super easy recipe and video from Martha Stewart on how to do it myself so I am going to give it a try. Thank you for letting me know and your party was adorable!!!

  13. My pleasure Sabrina! Good luck with making your own soap. I bet it will turn out adorable!

  14. This is so adorable! I've never seen the soap/goldfish prizes before...and they are absolutely genius! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  15. AHHH-Dorable. Really, I super love it. :)


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