
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A different sort of pom pom {Tutorial Tuesday}

I am sure you have all seen a million tutorials on making tissue paper pom poms, as these light weight decorations are everywhere! Well mine are just a tad bit different. I wanted small pom poms or should I say "pom" since it's really just half of one. A half a pom pom that I could use to decorate my mini boxes, bottles, gift bags, name it! (see I used them on the wine bottle and my mini cupcake box in the photo above)
OK OK I know there have already been half pom poms which do just this, but mine are made out of something a little different...wax paper. Think about it, wax paper slips a little bit and has a nice weight to it, plus when you krinkle it you get a fabulous white pattern, not to mention the lovely shine to it.
So here we half pom poms made from wax paper.

Supplies you will need:
4 pieces of wax paper cut to 3"x 5"
Approximately 6" of bakers twine (mine is from The Twinery)

Step 1
Stack your four sheets of wax paper and taking your short side folding it about a half and inch over on top of itself back and forth, creating a fan.

Step 2
Tie a knot around the center of your fan, leaving two tales.

Step 3 
With sharp scissors cut the ends of your fan either into points or rounded ends. I felt that the pointy ends made the pom poms look a bit like Carnations.

Step 4
On one side of your knot, start peeling your wax paper layers upward towards the knot. Be careful, while the wax paper is forgiving it can still rip. Take your time and work the paper upward, layer by layer. 

Step 5
Same process on the other end of your fan, pull each layer up toward the knot (center of your pom pom). Once all of your layers have been separated, you can with your pom pom a bit until it looks like a flower.

Step 6
Repeat all steps and make a ton of these sweet looking flower pom poms.

Give them a try and see what you think. Now if only they made wax paper in different colors!

On a different note, I have been added to the Circle of Moms "Top 25 Party Plannin Moms". I love to plan parties for my children, my friends and even their friends, so I have added a vote button on the top left of my blog. If you feel that my little ol' blog is worthy I would love your vote daily until April 11th!! While I know this is simply a popularity contest it would still be a fabulous honor to actually be in the top 25!!

Have a wonderful day friends!


  1. You are totally worthy! I will go and vote. Hugs

  2. What a great idea! And wax paper is so affordable too! Congratulations on being totally deserve it!

  3. I'm a new follower! Love your blog!



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