
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The BEST Tutorial EVER...Not So Much! {Tutorial Tuesday}

Instead of a fabulous tutorial today I wanted to share something that I tried and completely bombed! Ice cream bonbons, sounds easy enough...I mean I have made cake pops, so what could be the issue. Just scoop out balls of ice cream, freeze solid, melt chocolate and pour or dip ice cream, voila.

UM yeah...not so much! I set off with my instructions from All You magazine did as I was told and ended up with a big blobby mess of melted ice cream! I started out by scooping my ice cream, which started melting before I was finishing up the last scoop. I then froze these ice cream balls over night to make sure they were solid. The next day melted my chocolate as directed and as soon as it was ready I ran and got my ice cream out of the deep freeze. First attempt, dipping the ice cream right into the chocolate....the chocolate wouldn't stick and the ice cream began to melt. OK...second attempt...drizzle chocolate onto ice cream which is still frozen to cookie tray, once again chocolate just slid right off the ice cream. Seriously I tried everything and that chocolate would not stick! Completely frustrated and left with a big melting mess of wasted chocolate and ice cream. Next time...I will just buy ready made bonbons...well worth the time, the money and the hassle!

I hope my tutorial today will save you some time and money...LOL
Have a great day!


  1. that's the worst...but I'm glad you shared. I love seeing 'real' projects - good or bad!!

  2. Keeping it real! Thanks for a truly "real" post :-)

  3. Seriously, this post has me smiling’s so funny when things just don’t work out. I honestly wonder how many DIY fails there are to every successful tuturial. Thanks for sharing your experience. (On a sidenote...what about trying Magic Shell-the stuff that they use to coat ice cream cones)


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