
Monday, February 6, 2012

Classroom Valentine Favors

The snow is finally melting, all 30 inches of it! It started snowing last Thursday night and didn't stop until Saturday afternoon. Thank goodness I got a new gas tank and filled it up for our snowblower before the storm hit or we would have been digging our way out for days! Here is a photo of one of our neighbors who as you can see has a great sense of humor!

Having a snowed in weekend does have it's benefits though...we got some Valentine projects done!

These are the Valentine's my daughter will take in for her class this year. We made our own crayons for each classmate and they fit perfect inside my Mini Gable boxes, which Aly insisted must be decorated with the Chevron pattern and a custom tag. How can I argue with that! She also wants to give these to her teachers, but I may have to add a little something more then just a crayon for them!

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!! See you tomorrow!!

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