
Friday, November 9, 2012

Behind the scenes of my 40th birthday!

This past weekend my friends and family came together and celebrated my 40th birthday. While my husband and best friend hosted the party, they allowed me to help with the design and decorating process. This might have been the best gift, being able to design a party the way I wanted it, with all of the details and elements I love!

I chose the theme "Upgrading to 4.0", for two technology has really helped me grow as an artist over the past 4 years. Second, it sounds much better to upgrade then to just get old!

My absolute favorite color is green, apple green and lime green to be exact. I also love bold black and white stripes right now, so the combination of the two were a must! Even though I am not a total girlie girl, I wanted a touch of bling. I had Carmen from The Flair Exchange create a tassel garland for the party and it was one of my absolute favorite decorations!! I can't wait to show you as I am completely hooked on these now!!

I created a few sketches for Dawn and I to play with. The sketches also helped my cake artist, Renee of Astonishing Cakes to know what I wanted. One of my biggest requests was a HUGE cake, even if most of it was fake, I wanted it to be BIG!! 

Be sure to stop in next week as I will be sharing all of the details of the party including photos! This was truly the best birthday party I have ever had!!


  1. Love this Pamela - how fun you got to help out! I throw my own parties each year LOL it's what "we' do!

  2. Eu adorei o blog, é muito lindo, amei tudo. Parabéns mesmo, vou sempre estar aqui


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