
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diary of a MOMprenuer {week 9}

Yet another week has flown by...where is the summer going? Kids will be going back to school in about a month and I am not ready for that at all! I know I me crazy! OK, I am ready for Aly to start Kindergarten, she needs school as she is a busy body. As for Ty and Corbin, not so much. I am not ready for the massive amounts of homework to start and the nagging I will have to do to make sure that homework gets done...BLAH! I know I shouldn't complain about that either, Ty only has 5 years left....ugh...wait...only 5 years of school...oh man how did my baby become a young man!? Next year he will be in highschool...someone stop the madness!! I am too young to have a high school kid...geesh! UGH and next year will start the craziness of having three kiddos in three different schools. One elementary, one middle school and one high school. Guess I better enjoy this year! LOL

Moving right along before I start balling about my babies growing up too fast. This week has been a nice mellow week...aaah! (it usually is calm before the storm though...yikes) Still dealt with a bit of drama left over from last weekend, but things are good now! I am so excited about the orders that will be shipped tomorrow, they were "Different" and I got to really use my creativity to make some new designs, love that!! As of late I haven't had the chance to get any new designs really going. Some are cut out and just waiting to be put together and others are in a holding pattern in my head.  Most likely this fall I will be able to get more done with the kids in school...maybe...I see many late nights in my future!

So the part planning for Aly's "Candy Fairy Party" is in full swing...finally! I got her party dress made yesterday and thank goodness she loves it! She is the pickiest little DIVA I know...yikes she is gonna be trouble! Anyway, bought 18 yards of tulle to start making tutus. Instead of handing out goodie bags with a bunch of little bobbles I figured each girl would get a tutu, head band and then get to fill up a box at the "Candy Buffet".  Candy buffet...still trying to decide what the heck will be going on the Candy buffet that Aly wants. Still need to find some, yellow, teal, and lime green colored candy. Hmmm... I really wish the individually colored bags of M&Ms weren't so stinking expensive! Hello $7 for a 7 oz bag... $1 per ounce...insane! They have machine who do all the work for crying out loud!  I would just buy a ginormous bag of the regular M&Ms at Sam's Club and sit and pick out the colors I wanted, but seriously, one do I have the time and two, they don't have the colors in there that I want anyway. If I get really desperate I guess I will cross my fingers and hope Michael's has a coupon for 40% off and go in a couple of times to get the colors I need...MAYBE!!! Still a lot even with the coupon in my opinion for a few ounces of candy. Gonna have to get my creative mojo on for this one! Any suggestions would be great!

Gee anything else...well waiting to hear back from a few places, fingers crossed that one of these will be BIG for Party Starters! Of course I can't say what it is, cause then it won't come true..LOL!

Guess that is about it for this week, rather boring...Thanks so much for stopping by! Again I appreciate all of the wonderful comments and emails that were sent to me through out the week. You are all so amazing to me!! Thanks!!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. You've got lots going on...all good things!!
    I know what you mean about the m&m's..they are so cute but a bit pricey :) What about jellybeans, are they any cheaper? Unless, of course, you HAVE to have m&m's (and if so, I totally understand that too) :)

    Have a great week!!

  2. Can't wait to see the party! Have you tried oriental trading company? They seem to have every candy! Glad to hear you had a much more mellow week ;o)

    Kim @ Frost Me!

  3. Yes, the MMs in Michael's are beaucoup bucks...But really so gorgeous..LOL! I'm with Staci. I would find some other fabulous candy...I always order online in bulk.
    Glad the drama is OVA!

  4. At our outlet mall there's a candy store that sells the m&ms by color and they're $5 a pound i think, i believe they do it in the candy store at my local mall too... good luck with the party, it sounds super cute!!

  5. I did a candy buffet for my brothers wedding and we did the largest jars with the most in-expensive and biggest candy, ex: Rock candy, taffy, suckers, jolly ranchers, jelly beans, gummy bears, lemon heads, orange slices. Then you do the expensive candy in the smaller jar so that you don't have to buy as much.
    Good luck, it is very expensive!

  6. Howdy! I've just been lurking a short time, but I LOVE your blog. So many inspirational ideas and your positive can-do attitude is fabulous!

    For candy have you tried Candy Warehouse or Oh Nuts? Their prices are pretty good. Try the chocolate lentils instead of the M&M's. Same thing, just a lot cheaper. You can view all the candies by color and they have a great selection! Good luck with the party! (I know how crazy it can be pulling one together. I just got done with one for my son.)

    And, I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed that all the swirling good things come to land on your plate in the near future! (Not to jinx anything... but I can't wait to hear about them!)

  7. Chocolate gems (sometimes called lentils) make a nice alternative to M&Ms. has them for around $0.38 per oz.


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