
Monday, July 19, 2010

Inspiration for a Fairy Party

A quickie today friends. Getting ready for my baby brother to help me bake the day away with the kids! SO excited, he is visiting from CA and I don't get to see him near enough!!!

So I thought I would share some gorgeous inspiration boards all from Style Me Pretty. I absolutely adore Style Me Pretty, their photos are so beautiful and of course inspiring!!  There are pieces of each of these that I would love to incorporate into Aly's Fairy Party this weekend. Take a lookie and tell me what ya think.

 Love love love these photos! I have a bunch more that I have stashed away as well. Now to get started...

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. loving it all! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!! Think we all need a sneak peek at the dress... even a corner shot to keep us guessing ;o)

    Kim @
    party inspiration


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