
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Create My Party Inspiration

SO have you heard about my latest contest??? "Create My Party"? Well in case you haven't here is the scoop:

I want you to inspire me...CREATE MY PARTY!!
To start you out here is what is planned SO far...
  •  A do it yourself cupcake decorating buffet with different flavors of cupcakes, frostings & toppings
  •  A fun little bar with a few swanky cocktails
  •  The color scheme will be Gray, Cream and Leafy Green (incorporate damask)
I need suggestions on cupcake flavors, frostings, toppings, drinks, recipes & decorations for my upcoming birthday party. If you can incorporate photos or full blown inspiration boards that will get you extra points! Once you have done your research and you are ready to present your ideas, post your presentation on your blog and send me the link! I will then of course feature your ideas on my blog for all of my readers to see. If you don't have a blog then by all means send me an email with all of the details and photos, I will share those as well!
Deadline is November 1, 2010

What is in it for you besides the utmost fun in planning a party...A PRIZE OF COURSE!! I will choose one person's presentation that totally inspires me and gets my creative juices flowing. That lucky person will receive the following:

  • A $30 Gift Certificate to Blush Printables (one of my very favorite vintage printable shops)
  • 8 qty favor boxes of your choice from Party Starters plus FREE shipping
SO far that is 30 +8 which equals my soon to be age 38! LOL so clever ehh!! OH and of course I need one to grow on...
  • Genevieve from Celebrate Today has graciously offered up a set of Kandy Kones and a package of her triple crepe paper streamers!!! 
***All of this is over $80 in value!!***

I put the Mt. Dew can next to the glass to show you just how ginormous it really is!

SO as some added inspiration here is a glass that my Mom bought for me. She found it at a yard sale for $2 and thought I could use it for something. I will admit at first I was like...what the...but then after looking at the great birthday logo that Jen from Blush Printables made for me, it clicked! That glass has some cupcakes and cocktails party potential!! How will you incorporate this ginormous cocktail glass into my party plans??? Feel free to leave a comment and tell me or keep it a secret if you want to include it in your design plans.

Before I sign off I want to wish Kim from Frost Me blog a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.  Kim has been nothing but supportive and an all around fabulous blogging friend to me! Luv ya Kim!! 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. isn't it obvious..that should be YOUR cocktail glass. It is your party after all! :)

  2. haha! I really like Staci's idea! I was thinking some bling- in a chic way??? I better get to work!

    Happy Birthday to Kim! (go Libra's!)

  3. awww thanks Pam!!! Now on to planning yours! I better get to thinkin'!

    hugs! Kim @ Frost Me!
    party inspiration


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