
Friday, October 22, 2010

"My Favorite & My Best" Fridays {Vintage}

Have you noticed I like change? I am changing Fridays up a bit and featuring my friends, fun finds and all things that are currently "my favorite and my best", which is a quote from my favorite children's program Charlie and Lola.

So today my favorite is...Vintage! Take a look at this Treat Truck from Heather of the WhipperBerry Blog.  Amy Atlas (one of my favorites!) just featured Heather's gorgeous display on her blog today. I am in LOVE!! Lots of vintage looking pieces and HELLO vintage truck!!! I love it!  check out Heather & Amy's blog for more photos and the scoop on this set up.

I have mentioned before that I love glassware and that I have been collecting Depression Glass since I was in High School. I have a think for pink and greens. Here is a photo of a sherbet dish, which I have a few of.

By , Guide
Block Optic Cone Sherbet Dish - Green by Hocking Glass Company - ca. 1929-33

OK how about one more vintage inspired party. This one is from My Sweet and Saucy  photographed by Ashley Rose Photography. I love looking at this layout, because everytime I do something else pops out at me. I don't know what it is about Vintage, but I LOVE IT!! 

What is your favorite and your best party style right now?

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I will be back on Sunday with my "Diary of a Mompreneur" post.



  1. Pamela, Pamela!
    I am blushing, thanks for the sweet words and for the blog love. You're site is amazing!! I am definatley a fan!!

    Heather from WhipperBerry

  2. Gorgeous inspiration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. stunning looks!!! and I'dnot to say that it;s so vintage ;/)

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