
Thursday, December 16, 2010

12 Days of Christmas~ Day 11 {Gingerbread Houses}

Making gingerbread houses have been a tradition in our house for the past 8 years. Every year I buy a kit with all of the pieces already created, with three kids its just easier!
This was Aly's first time making a graham cracker house in Kindergarten and I was really impressed by how creative all of the kids AND their parents were. Maybe I was more impressed with how many parent helps there were and how totally into this project they were, me included!
The first step was to take a washed out milk carton and using Royal Icing stick pieces of graham crackers around the box. Super easy for little kids! Then comes the decorating...lots and lots of candy, pretzels, cereal and of course frosting!

Here is the recipe we used to make the Royal Icing:
1 pound of powdered sugar
1 tsp Cream of Tartar
3 Egg whites

Mix all three ingredients then beat/mix on high for 7 minutes until frosting shows stiff peaks. Make sure to keep this frosting in an air tight container so it doesn't harden up on you.

Here are the houses that our family made this past weekend. SO much fun and probably the quietest moment all weekend long. Lots of concentration going on!!

Aly's House
Corbin's House
Tyler's House
Al's House
Pam's House

I hope you think about creating your own little edible village, whether its made out of gingerbread or graham crackers.

Happy Holidays!


  1. what a fun idea. We made some last year - I think we need to make some this week...and create a tradition!

  2. I bought one of those pre-made packs this year. After about five minutes of trying to get pipe the icing I gave up. Maybe next year, when the little one can help?

  3. Those look awesome! I just had a Gingerbread House Decorating Party with my girls and their friends this weekend for the first time. So much fun!!

  4. U guys did an AWESOME job! WOW! What a sweet family craft! U rock P.


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