
Friday, December 17, 2010

12 Days of Christmas~ Day 12 {Just Keep Swimming}

This quote seems extremely appropriate this time of year...OK anytime of year really. Sometimes that is all you can do when life gets crazy..."just keep swimming".  SO for my 12th Day of Christmas Crafts and Party Favors, my gift to you, "Just Keep Swimming" note cards. Print a bunch of these out, tie them together with some A2 envelopes and pretty bakers twine and give them out as gifts or party favors. I may just frame one of these as a reminder to never give up and to keep dreaming BIG! You can download your FREE "Just Keep Swimming" note cards HERE

Thank you SO very much for your continued support and kind words of encouragement. You are the very best bloggy friends a girl could ask for! I wish you all a very happy holiday season!

As always...Hugs,


  1. these are great (and I love the idea of framing it)!!

  2. So sweet! ...and true! Will def print and gift! Thx Pam, for all that u do, but most of all for being YOU. Hugs my friend.
    Genevieve xoxo

  3. So glad I came across your blog some time back. Always full of fun, helpful, and beautiful ideas. Have a swimming-ly wonderful Christmas and New Year!


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