
Monday, April 4, 2011

Mini Pies {Motivate Me Monday}

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Aaaak, I need your help friends. I am slowly sliding down the Top 25 list of Party Plannin' Moms over at Circle Of Moms site. I realize that I am up against some extremely popular ladies, heck I only have 10% the "fans" that some of them have, so it's no wonder. BUT a girl can dream and I would be honored to be in the top 25. This Party Plannin' stay at home Mama is supporting a family of 5 (hubby hasn't had any luck on the job front as of yet) and needs all the free advertising I can get. If you haven't voted today, I would SO appreciate your support. You can vote once a day until April 11th. Thanks!!

OK on to Motivate Me Monday! Seriously this photo has got me all kinds of motivated and its not just because I am hungry! What a fantastic idea for weddings...weddings she says... heck yeah! Who says you HAVE to serve cake at your wedding?? Why not do a  mini pies, and mini cakes combo! Of course these mini pies would be fabulous for any occasion. The first thing that comes to mind is a 4th of July BBQ, wouldn't it be fun to have a side table full of different pies! BRING ON SUMMER!!
Hope on over to Tara GuĂ©rar's Bon Bon blog for the scoop on these mini pies as well as the recipe for Ginger Peach Almond Wedding Pie. 

Thank you so much Tara for the beautiful inspirational photos, recipe, and for motivating me on a Monday!! AND Thank YOU for stopping in today! 


  1. That display is just so clean, yet so pretty! It almost makes me want to go make a hundred little pies!


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