
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Whats new Wednesday...

 Scrumptious Swirls  has a sneak peak of the gorgeous "Cupcakes & Tea for the Mama To Be" party she through for her sister this past weekend. So excited that my Strawberry Lemonade collection; Mini Gable boxes, Mini Boxes & Matchboxes are included in this lovely picture. Thanks Stacy!! Can't wait to see more. 

Last but certainly not least, I have a fabulous guest blogger, Robin Calkins lined up for a series of posts on how to go about planning After Prom Parties. For those of you who don't know about After Prom, it is a wonderful event held typically at the high school where kids can go and hang out in a safe environment after the Prom is over. I know you will enjoy this series which officially starts this Friday, April 8th!  Come back tomorrow to meet my friend Robin. 

Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Lovin' that sneak peek photo!
    Too cute. :)

  2. Yes, Pamela, spotted your adorable gift boxes among the lovely decorations on Scrumptious Swirls' post! So excited to see your e-zine, too!

  3. What a sweet theme and your boxes fit perfectly!


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