
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome To My Insanity! {Guest Blogger, Robin Calkins}

Hello to all the Party Starters blog followers!
My name is Robin Calkins and Pam has asked me to be a guest blogger on her site. I think she did this because she knows I’m crazy, and I like to write. I say crazy, because I no longer have kids in school and yet, I still volunteer every year to do a local high school’s After Prom event. This qualifies me as both certifiable and able to speak to the large party/event venues.
For those not familiar with After Prom, it’s a huge party thrown right after the kids get done with Prom. They leave the Prom venue and make their way to the school, which the hard working, dedicated parents have transformed into a theme based all night event. In our case, this is a free event to the kids, with games, prizes, food, entertainment, etc. from 11:00 pm until 4:00 am the next morning. It is paid for by fundraising, and I will touch on that experience soon. Let’s just say it’s not my favorite thing to do, but it is necessary to make sure the kids want to come to this party, and have a safe, fun experience. The thing I will concentrate on is the transformation of the school. The decorations on a large scale and some of the vendors we use to put this thing on.
The reason I’m starting my blog series with this event is that it’s what I’m doing at the moment, so it’s fresh on my mind. I will, by no means, just blog about this. I have done other creative party/event planning that I have anecdotes about too. I hope that those of you that have programs like this in your schools, or those that just want some ideas about grand props for your party, will find my series helpful. I also hope that some humor comes across, because you need a good sense of humor to do large events.
I look forward to writing this series, which starts tomorrow. I hope you might get some ideas from my ramblings, but most of all I hope you are entertained.

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